Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bikini Bound

So let's play a little catch up...

A few months ago, my eyes were opened to the wonderful world of Bikini. Now, like everyone else, I had the misconception that if a woman were to lift heavy, she'd bulk up like the She-Hulk and look super masculine...boy, was I wrong. The Bikini Division is overflowing with gorgeous women who are the exact opposite of what the general public would envision "female bodybuilders" to be. These women are lean and have curves in all the right places. They're fit and defined while still soft and sultry...everything I long to be, and WILL be soon enough ;)

I didn't always believe it was even remotely possible for me to get to that level...but then I learned about Tiffany Boydston, an IFBB Pro who is bound for Olympia 2012. Tiffany posted her before and afters on her fan page and all I could think was WOW...her body looked a lot like mine...and damn, look at her now!! Tiffany is an absolute inspiration to me and was sweet enough to respond with some great advice:

"I was 138 when I first started! I started doing the diet on my own after I learned about nutrition in school and had to clean things up because I have Hypoglycemia ( which has been fixed with foods and exercise). It was all going great losing the weight 12 lbs to be exact! I was doing Crossfit, kickboxing and training on my own. I wanted another goal because 125 was still a bit high for my little self and I couldn't lose the last 10 lbs. I was asking a friend who does shows I want to do one because I always loved her physique! Cute, little, around 110 lbs, full of curves, and yet toned! She said I should and I started doing my homework and then decided to contact my good friend/trainer/ Papa Kim Oddo! Best decision I EVER made! Not only does he do show competition diets but lifestyle ones as well to help you get down and if your wanting more after that and want to compete then he is phenomenal at being the BEST coach in shows!(Oddo's Angels)...... Patience is key girl! I struggled with it but to be honest didn't see in the mirror (because I'm mental and I know most agree with this) everyone else would comment and say I look great, but till about 6 weeks out from my goal date when I had been training for 3 months prior to that. It took me 18 weeks before my first show before I was ready. My advice is keep training hard! Jamie's program is perfect for what you are trying to achieve and be PATIENT, follow it to the T and the results will show!!!!!!! ;0) Hope that helped some girlie. :0)"

Well, that about told me everything I needed to know...Tiffany made me realize that it is possible for someone like me to get to that level, with the right training, hard work, will power and determination. That's what got me to where I am today, two weeks into my off-season program with Kim Oddo and dead-set on competing in the OC Muscle Classic in T-minus 165 days...

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